Monday, June 06, 2005

Tomorrow know?'s only a day away!

It will be another opportunity to watch the Lord at work in/through my life. To God be the glory!

What's up tomorrow?

Tomorrow will be the day I'll have myself admitted to hospital.

On Wednesday - 8th June (it coincides with my brother, Michael's, birthday and wedding anniversay) - I'll be undergoing the transplant.

After that, for weeks and months, my mobility will be greatly compromised. That is why I am so eager to accomplish all that I've set out to do. The past few days have gone by so quickly because I've been rushing around, trying to get everything done before tomorrow's admission to hospital.

I'm having that mixed feeling again.

On the one hand I'm excited and thrilled to be able to, once again, witness the Lord at work in my life.

I am confident that my God, who loves me with boundless unconditional love,will journey with me each step of the way.
I look to my Lord Jehovah Rophe for healing. He, Jehovah Shalom, is my peace. He will see me through the days, weeks and months ahead. He is my good Shepherd. He is the great I am! Whatever my needs may be, He is able to meet all my needs and do much much immensely more than I would/could ever imagine.

I place my confidence in my God who has never failed me. His unfailing love endures forever.

I am most thankful for His giving me yet another opportunity to learn of Him.

On the other hand, my human frailty and my human weaknesses scream : "I am weak! I need you, O Lord! Help me! Deal with my fears and anxieties!"

Hence, once more, as you have told me to do : I cast my fears and anxieties unto you!

All my fears I now cast unto you; they are yours to deal with, to destroy :

(1) my phobia of going under GA (and not waking up),

(2) my dread of the great discomfort that comes with/after GA - the breathlessness, the giddiness, the nausea and vomitting, the sore throat and coughing, the many "puncture" wounds and bruises I have to endure because of the uncooperative fine veins which constantly eludes the docs/nurses when they try to set up the drip in the OT,

(3) my anxiety about the pain that strikes when the effects of GA wears out,

(4) my anxiety about work piling up during my absence from the working place,

(5) my dread of all those boring,lonesome hours in hospital with no family members around me and with me missing them like crazy,

(6) the exasperation of having to cope with receiving visitors when I desperately need to catch up on sleep. (It's ironical how I am most deprived of rest and sleep when I am in hospital - the nurses keep waking you up in the middle of the night. One moment it is to take your temperature, then it is to take your blood pressure, and next it is to have you take your medicine or to have an injection. There was even that time when they woke me up, two nights consecutively, just so that they could give me a sponge bath at 3 am or thereabout! No, I WASN"T having a fever! They said they, and the nurses in the earlier shift, simply had too many other duties to accomplish and could not find the time to sponge me any earlier!)

Sigh! I confess that my faith is not strong enough. Lord, increase my faith, strengthen my faith! Help me to shift my focus away from my fears and anxiety. Turn my thoughts unto YOU! I know that when I fix my gaze on you, I will see that I am more than conquerors.

In the name of Jesus Christ my Lord, I claim the healing, the wholeness, the peace and the victory that you have given me! Thank you, Jesus, for giving me a share in your life and power! Thank you, my Heavenly Father, for making me your Son's joint-heir!

In Christ I am complete! Your grace is immeasurable and boundless!

When I ponder over how, in you I am made whole and with Christ I can have strength to face everything/anything that you have wisely planned for me and lovingly placed in my life, my heart is at peace again, and my spirit is cheered and uplifted once again!

Indeed, with Christ in the vessel I can smile at the storm as you and I go sailing home!

Heavenly Father, I am so thankful that this world is not my home, and that I'm just passing through. I look forward to meeting you face to face. I will follow your leading one step at a time.

If you were to call me home today, I would rejoice because I know that I shall be entering your holy, loving and gracious presence.

If you were to call me home today, I would entrust my loved ones into your wise, loving, gracious and unfailing care. Help them to cope and to overcome the grief and sadness of loss. Help them to grow in their faith and to, as a result, grow to know and love you more deeply.

Thank you, Lord!


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