Thursday, April 21, 2005

Carrot or The Whip?

The Whip : "If you're not good enough, you don't get your performance bonus!"

Carrot : "Wow! Those students have improved by leaps and bounds!"

Today, someone unwittingly gave me a "nice, juicy carrot"to spur me on....

A relief teacher - one who had taught some of my pupils last year- came up to me to share her day's experience. Without realising that I, too, teach those children whom she was talking about, she gushed in excitement : " I taught them last year for a few days, and have not seen them since. Today, I was really pleased to note that they have made great improvement! they can actually converse with me in simple but complete sentences, with very few grammatical errors. Of course, the Singlish intonation was still there, but at least, they were now speaking in complete sentences. No more monosyllabic answers. And they actually looked at me when they more downcast eyes! Wow!"

On hearing this, I felt I had already received the most rewarding performance bonus!

Of course, I cannot and DO NOT claim all the credit for their improvement! There are so many factors leading to their success...

They have worked hard, putting in much effort on their part.
Their parents and family members have given them much support!
Their form-teachers and other subject-teachers have worked hard and put in much effort, too!
They have grown in their maturity, have settled comfortably in the school-environment and are no longer shy among "new teachers and new classmates", and have gained greater self-confidence since last year.

But, above all these, I am convinced that their success has been granted them by God Himself.

It is by God's grace that they have become what they are now. It is God's mercy and grace at work in their lives. My prayers for them have been answered by their Creator, the God who has lovingly made them and who still lovingly watches over them, helping them and guiding them in their development daily, moment by moment!

I am once again reminded that I must never ever - not even when I'm exasperated to the extreme - write off anyone as being "beyond help". It can be so tempting for one to throw one's hands up in the air and succumb to entertaining thoughts such as : "Aiyoh! You're a gone-case!" or "SIGH! You're 'incurably' hopeless!", or even, "Humph! I shan't waste anymore time on you!"

Thank you, God, for this reminder of your grace! Let your love and grace flow through me to touch and mould the lives of the little ones you have placed in my care. Continue to help them become the persons you have planned for them to be when you made them.

Thank you for letting me be a part of your work in their lives. It is such an honor to be given a share in your work in moulding them!

Grant me success in my effort to teach them to read.
Help them become independent readers. Empower them to overcome their reluctance to read.

Do this for them so that eventually, one day, when you lead them to your Word, or you cause someone to hand them a gospel tract or a copy of the Four Spiritual Laws, they would be able to read and comprehend your Word and the gospel message!

Also, equally important to you is that, I believe, you are most interested in helping them cope with daily life. I believe you want to help them become literate and be able to make an honest living when they join the work force eventually. That is because you love them.

I know that you care for them, and that you care about their being able to read the news, read mail from friends and loved ones, read text messages, read instructions, food label, road maps, road directories, notification, signs and warnings, etc. Enable me to help them learn to read.

Grant me success, Lord! Thank you!


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