Wednesday, April 20, 2005

ST Forum

This afternoon, I received a phone call from a certain Ms Noor (of ST Forum), informing me that my letter to the Forum Page is most probably going to be published.

When? I don't know.
Somehow, it didn't occur to me to ask.

Anyway, it doesn't really matter. If and when it appears on the Forum page, that's when it does.

Having gotten it off my chest is good enough for me.

I've given my two-cents' worth of opinion and that's that. It would probably not stir princes, nor paupers.

Those who are in the position to make a significant difference might not bother to take my opinion seriously. After all, who am I, anyway? Someone with no title to my name, and with nary a connection to anybody in parliament or the medical or judicial field.

Then, those who are not in any position to make any difference, who while they agree wholeheartedly with my views, are in actual fact as ineffectual as I am in persuading the silent, passive, indifferent majority to take a stand and speak up for the disabled and disadvantaged.

Not many people are convinced that it is worth their effort to pick up single starfish, one by one, to throw them back into the sea so that they get a fighting chance to survive.

In this day and age, if you're not "up to it", you're expected to get out of the are expected to make your way quietly to the back of the line, or better yet, get out of the line altogether.

Like the "Hong-Kongers" (of the 70's and the early 80's) used to say, "If you are dregs in the tea-bag, you're not worth being savoured" and again, "Get out of the way and don't obstruct the earth in its revolution!"

Most people won't even feel the hurt and the pain....not until they find themselves in the shoes of the ones facing rejection. No Empathy? Well, one can't empathise with another unless one is able to feel for those who are suffering. The majority of people have become numb from being too busy to feel anything. Least of all, grief and sorrow faced by people who are neither kith nor kin.


Mm...I want to be be useful in causing others to thirst after righteousness and justice.


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