Sunday, April 10, 2005

He Can Identify With Me, He Knows!

My Lord knows how it feels to be rejected and scorned.

Isaiah 53

3 He was despised and rejected by men,
a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering.
Like one from whom men hide their faces
he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

4 Surely he took up our infirmities
and carried our sorrows,
yet we considered him stricken by God,
smitten by him, and afflicted.

5 But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,
and by his wounds we are healed.

LORD Jesus Christ,
Oh Lamb of God,
my Redeemer,
my Friend,

You took up my infirmities…by your wounds I was healed.

You, too, are familiar with suffering and rejection.
You understand.

You took mankind’s infirmities upon yourself and willingly accepted being wounded on our behalf, suffering rejection as you walked this earth 2000 years ago, drinking in all the hurts, sorrows and grief.

You can identify with all my hurts and sorrows, my pain and heartaches. You’ve been through them. You know what I am talking about when I tell you about my hurts and sorrows.

You were there with me when I was going through all those experiences, weren’t you? And I didn’t even realize it then. So, all along, I was not alone in my suffering…because, not only were you there with me when I was smitten, but you had, by then, already borne the pain, suffering and rejection on my behalf, and by your wounds I was already given healing. All I needed to do was to appropriate it into my life. Thank you for bringing me healing.

Now, I want to be identified with you, the humble Servant-King who entered Jerusalem on a colt. The king who was not esteemed by his own people, who was, instead, crowned with thorns, smitten and whipped, despised, rejected and scorned, ridiculed and mocked at, who suffered silently and willingly because you were compelled and motivated to do so out of love. Let me learn this spirit of self-denial…of loving in action and not just with verbal declaration of love.

Help me to love my family and friends with sincere love. Help me to declare my love to you, and to them, in action.

Help me to love even strangers and my so-called “friends” (those who dislike me, who despise me, those who have hurt me and those who reject me, and those who “use” me and those who are friendly to me only because they have personal agendas)… to love them unconditionally and be gracious and merciful to them, just as you have been and are always gracious and merciful to me.

I know only too well…when I am being made use of. I will not hold it against those who use me.

If by being made use of, by even allowing others to take advantage of me, if by doing so I can be a channel of your blessings… and be a bridge between you and them, one with which they can be brought closer in their walk with you, I am willing.

But, Lord…I must admit…I tend to shrink back when it hurt. All too soon, and so easily, I become unwilling again. I grumble and gripe when I realize that I’ve been taken advantage of, or when I know that someone whom I love dearly has actually made use of me.

Ouch! It is so hurting, especially when I realise that even people whom I love dearly do actually keep tab of personal agendas, too, in their dealings with me! We are ALL fallen creatures, aren't we? ALL of us are in need of your mercy, love, grace and forgiveness.

Thank you, my loving Redeemer, for your promise of never ever turning us away, so long as we come to you for forgiveness and cleansing, you will cleanse, forgive and heal us.

God Most High, thank you for reaching down to me... even me.

Oh, create in me a pure heart, and a willing spirit…a yielded spirit. I long to be whole-hearted and single-minded in following after you, in living for you, in seeking to please you, in seeking to obey you, in doing your will. I long to honor you. I long to bring you glory. I long to see you, to meet with you. I long to dwell in your presence. I long to remain in you, in your holy dwelling place.

Cause me to see your majesty and glory...and cause me to worship you in spirit and in truth.

You created me to fellowship with you. You created me to worship you, to give you glory and honor. You created me to relate with you in a personal manner. Draw me close to your side.

Draw me into your own loving, holy presence! Just as I am, I come....Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ, for putting your righteousness over me, for enabling me to come to God Most High and to enter into His holy presence!


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