Saturday, April 23, 2005

Reflex Action

Argh! I was afraid this might come my way, but now, it really has!

"What has?" you asked me.

This : SOMEONE read my letter in ST's Forum Editor and decided that since I am "the type who enjoys writing, and have proven to be able to do so," then I ought to "contribute some articles towards our newsletter!"

Argh!!! What have I gotten myself into? More work? (HuMpH!)

sigh...never mind, lah...what to do?

....._ _ _ ....._ _ _ ....._ _ _....._ _ _how did i get myself into this? Well....

The plight of the Nepalese twins and the views expressed by a certain doctor had provoked such strong feelings of indignation in me.... ( I should've bit my tongue and held my peace till I hit the grave!)


Now I have come to fully understand why so many civil servants "buat bodoh" (act blur) and lie low, preferring to keep their opinions to themselves and be unthinking, unknowing, unable, uninformed, unknown... AND untouchable.

Now, I've just "earned" myself more "work" - help! - I am barely able to cope with my "backlog" of work, having just returned recently from my hospitalisation leave.

Yeah, yeah. Writing is a pleasure.

I enjoy writing.

Yes, I do, I really enjoy writing, but, the duty and the commitment towards "coughing" something up just to meet the newsletter's publication deadline takes the pleasure out of the writing!

The last thing I want to do is to kill my interest in writing by having the exercise turned into a chore.

To me, writing is a pleasurable form of exercise - a mental one, at that.

It is a form of discipline I instil in myself. I constantly challenge myself to be concise, precise and reader-friendly.

Sometimes I succeed, mostly I fail. Those who know me can vouch that I'm an "incurably" long-winded person, who is quite unable to come straight to the point.

Being concise and precise is not what I'm reputed for.

I subject myself to the discipline of writing because I need the mental exercise. I cherish the mental work-out. BUT...

I want to do it as and when I am up to it, not when I HAVE TO - that would be too much of a 'kill-joy'!

I'm sorry. I'm just not ready to make any contribution...not at the moment, not right now. Let me focus on my coming surgery and the recovery process...I'll see what I can come up with when I'm ready...I'm sorry. I really am!

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Carrot or The Whip?

The Whip : "If you're not good enough, you don't get your performance bonus!"

Carrot : "Wow! Those students have improved by leaps and bounds!"

Today, someone unwittingly gave me a "nice, juicy carrot"to spur me on....

A relief teacher - one who had taught some of my pupils last year- came up to me to share her day's experience. Without realising that I, too, teach those children whom she was talking about, she gushed in excitement : " I taught them last year for a few days, and have not seen them since. Today, I was really pleased to note that they have made great improvement! they can actually converse with me in simple but complete sentences, with very few grammatical errors. Of course, the Singlish intonation was still there, but at least, they were now speaking in complete sentences. No more monosyllabic answers. And they actually looked at me when they more downcast eyes! Wow!"

On hearing this, I felt I had already received the most rewarding performance bonus!

Of course, I cannot and DO NOT claim all the credit for their improvement! There are so many factors leading to their success...

They have worked hard, putting in much effort on their part.
Their parents and family members have given them much support!
Their form-teachers and other subject-teachers have worked hard and put in much effort, too!
They have grown in their maturity, have settled comfortably in the school-environment and are no longer shy among "new teachers and new classmates", and have gained greater self-confidence since last year.

But, above all these, I am convinced that their success has been granted them by God Himself.

It is by God's grace that they have become what they are now. It is God's mercy and grace at work in their lives. My prayers for them have been answered by their Creator, the God who has lovingly made them and who still lovingly watches over them, helping them and guiding them in their development daily, moment by moment!

I am once again reminded that I must never ever - not even when I'm exasperated to the extreme - write off anyone as being "beyond help". It can be so tempting for one to throw one's hands up in the air and succumb to entertaining thoughts such as : "Aiyoh! You're a gone-case!" or "SIGH! You're 'incurably' hopeless!", or even, "Humph! I shan't waste anymore time on you!"

Thank you, God, for this reminder of your grace! Let your love and grace flow through me to touch and mould the lives of the little ones you have placed in my care. Continue to help them become the persons you have planned for them to be when you made them.

Thank you for letting me be a part of your work in their lives. It is such an honor to be given a share in your work in moulding them!

Grant me success in my effort to teach them to read.
Help them become independent readers. Empower them to overcome their reluctance to read.

Do this for them so that eventually, one day, when you lead them to your Word, or you cause someone to hand them a gospel tract or a copy of the Four Spiritual Laws, they would be able to read and comprehend your Word and the gospel message!

Also, equally important to you is that, I believe, you are most interested in helping them cope with daily life. I believe you want to help them become literate and be able to make an honest living when they join the work force eventually. That is because you love them.

I know that you care for them, and that you care about their being able to read the news, read mail from friends and loved ones, read text messages, read instructions, food label, road maps, road directories, notification, signs and warnings, etc. Enable me to help them learn to read.

Grant me success, Lord! Thank you!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

ST Forum

This afternoon, I received a phone call from a certain Ms Noor (of ST Forum), informing me that my letter to the Forum Page is most probably going to be published.

When? I don't know.
Somehow, it didn't occur to me to ask.

Anyway, it doesn't really matter. If and when it appears on the Forum page, that's when it does.

Having gotten it off my chest is good enough for me.

I've given my two-cents' worth of opinion and that's that. It would probably not stir princes, nor paupers.

Those who are in the position to make a significant difference might not bother to take my opinion seriously. After all, who am I, anyway? Someone with no title to my name, and with nary a connection to anybody in parliament or the medical or judicial field.

Then, those who are not in any position to make any difference, who while they agree wholeheartedly with my views, are in actual fact as ineffectual as I am in persuading the silent, passive, indifferent majority to take a stand and speak up for the disabled and disadvantaged.

Not many people are convinced that it is worth their effort to pick up single starfish, one by one, to throw them back into the sea so that they get a fighting chance to survive.

In this day and age, if you're not "up to it", you're expected to get out of the are expected to make your way quietly to the back of the line, or better yet, get out of the line altogether.

Like the "Hong-Kongers" (of the 70's and the early 80's) used to say, "If you are dregs in the tea-bag, you're not worth being savoured" and again, "Get out of the way and don't obstruct the earth in its revolution!"

Most people won't even feel the hurt and the pain....not until they find themselves in the shoes of the ones facing rejection. No Empathy? Well, one can't empathise with another unless one is able to feel for those who are suffering. The majority of people have become numb from being too busy to feel anything. Least of all, grief and sorrow faced by people who are neither kith nor kin.


Mm...I want to be be useful in causing others to thirst after righteousness and justice.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Live, Liver, Live

Today, the doctor told me :

As to whether you should go ahead with the surgery at NUH on May 4, I am unable to give you an opinion...the results over at my side are inconclusive...

At this juncture, I can only say that while your liver is still functioning well, it is 99% fatty and it is inflamed.

As to what NUH said about your current Hep B Carrier status, I am not in the position to comment on their findings.... If they have discovered anything, it is up to them to further investigate and come to their own conclusive findings.

What I'm going to do for you is that I'll have your blood tested one more time today and we'll review the results again next week. So, I'll see you again next Monday.

Upon hearing that, I couldn't help but feel lost and confused for a while.

What should I do now?

Should I go ahead with my stem cell harvesting and transplant or not?
Will I be fit enough to undergo the two surgeries?

But, my left knee hurts and needs to be fixed...

I gave Prof Hui a phone call and told him about the outcome of today's visit to SGH.

He asked me to keep him informed, to call him as soon as today's blood test results yield any findings.

After further discussion, we decided :
1. We will tentatively keep to the appointed surgery date for the stem cell harvesting ( May 4).
2. We will refrain from harvesting only if today's blood test yields 'adverse' results.

I agreed to give Prof Hui another phone call after next Monday's visit to SGH. I hope all will work out smoothly.

Sigh...on Saturday night, one of my colleagues told me over the phone that the VP wants me to set up and host an on-line 'Aunt Agony' kind of thingy for counselling my charges who are facing problems.

I was told I would have to set up and man a booth, as well as to do a demonstration on the day when the DD was coming for a visit.

The DD happens to be coming for a visit on the same day which I'm supposed to be at NUH for a pre-surgery examination...that is when the doctor would give me a thorough check-up to ascertain if I am (at that point of time) healthy and fit to go ahead with the surgery on the next day.

When I go for my pre-surgery medical examination, I hope my VP would not misunderstand and think that I'm trying to skive or 'siem' from the DD.

Aiyah! Can't help it lah! Gotta go means gotta go, right? What to do? <shrug>

I'll cross the bridge when I come to it...

Kidney, Liver, Gall Bladder, Spleen and All

10.30 am.

Sitting in the Waiting Room, in my pink overalls, straining to hear my name being called...

Did someone just call out my name?

Hesitate. Listen. Wait.

No...that was not my name being called.

...... ............ ..................... ............................. .........................................

I looked at my watch.
Barely 5 minutes had gone by, but it had seemed like eternity! It's such a test of Patience!

Watched that elderly gentleman drag his slightly swollen legs into the room...

wished it was me who was disappearing behind that frosted glass door...

10. 40 am

Finally, it was my turn!

Hurriedly, I put the newspapers back onto the rack, picked up my bag and filed past that frosted glass door which Smiley Face held open for me. (Mmm...this nursing assistant is one of the friendliest around this place! That smile seems to be perpetually on her face!)

As I lay quietly on the bed, with only the Ultrasound Scanning machine to keep me company, I whispered a silent prayer :
Abba Father, that lady in blue, the one who has disappeared into the adjoining she the one who's going to do the scan for me?

If she's the one, Father, please guide her. Grant her a steady pair of hands and enable her to pick out the images clearly and document them accurately so that the doctors can do a proper analysis.

Grant her the presence of mind, the ability to make sound decisions while at work, to have discernment, to be able to select critical shots and to have any eye for significant details which need to be picked up.

Help her to concentrate and not rush through the job.

I know...those still waiting outside would wish she'd hurry up so that they can have their turn (just like I did earlier...forgive me...I now know how the person before me must have felt!).

Sovereign Lord, reveal to us what you would have us see and know. Your will be done!"

The lady in blue entered the room.

The whole procedure took less than half an hour...

See this? Miss Blue reached forward to tweak the stand on which the monitor stood so that I could see the screen.

This is your looks ok. And this now...this is your gall looks fine. Then this, this is your spleen... ah! This is...beautiful...this is your, I seldom get to see it so clearly...Mmm...your pancreas is looking NICE.

These you see here are veins and arteries...

Ah! Here's your liver...

oh....your liver is still fact, look, it's 99% fatty.

You see this dark little dot here? that the glob of fat? I thought to myself.

This little area here is all there is in your liver that isn't fatty. The rest is fatty.

It could be due to hepatitis or it could be due to high cholesterol. If it's due to high cholesterol, the fatty-liver condition is reversible. BUT, if it's due to hepatitis, then, it's not.We do not know yet...what it's due to... yeah....

Mm...we'll let your doctor look at this and he'll tell you more. Don't worry about it.

Ok. I'm not worried. I'll just have to be more careful about my diet, that's all I can do now.

Another quick plea shot heavenward...

Father, help me to do what is right. Thank you for being in control.

Help Dr Tan is his analysis of this data, and help him to make an accurate diagnosis and read the situation correctly...Help him make sound decisions as to what measures need to be taken in order to hem in the harm that's already done. Give him wisdom and discernment.

Help Dr Tan to be willing to collaborate/work with Prof Hui (so that I can receive holistic treatment). Help him to treat me as a whole person, and not just view me as One Big Walking Liver - I'm not saying he's doing that, but I have always been a little worried that Specialists might do that...becoming too engrossed only in picking out details relevant to their field of speciality and missing out on signs and symptoms related to other health issues).

Help my doctors to be humble enough to be consultative, should they ever need to consult other medical practitioner's opinion and views. Help both Prof Hui and Dr Tan to exercise integrity at all put my health and safety above their own professional interests.

Help me to put my trust, first and foremost, in you, Abba Father, and then to trust you to guide, help and direct all my medical care-givers to give me the medical help which you could make use of to grant me healing.

Thank you for leading me to Dr Tan and to Prof Hui. Bless them in their work. Bless them in their personal lives. Grant them great spiritual blessings. Lead them closer to knowing you and to surrendering full control of their lives over to you, that they may know truth, love, peace and joy; that they may enter into a personal relationship with you, the God of the universe, and their Maker, the Master Designer who brought their very existence into being. Cause their spiritual eyes to be open that they may see; their spiritual ears to be able to hear your voice. Create in them a new heart - one that is willing to receive you, to relate to you, to submit to your sovereignty in their lives. Oh! For healing and transformation! For wholeness and true beauty! Beauty in lives touched and changed by be made prepared for eternity.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Bad News (or will it turn out to be for Good?)

I went into the Professor's consultation room expecting myself to leave with a date...the date for my left knee cartilage transplant.

What I was told was totally unexpected!

Oh, I meant to call you today...I didn't know you had an appointment to come in today...I wanted to tell you that...

Mmm...I wonder if he's going to tell me he's too busy to operate on me in April or May....Don't tell me he wants me to wait till June? Oh no...

Your cells...those we harvested in March...for some reasons, they're dying.


Yeah...dying...and so they are not suitable for use anymore. I'm thinking it might be better to do it another way...that is, instead of using cartilage cells...maybe, this time, now...we use your bone marrow stem cells...

You mean I'd have to undergo another round of harvesting of cells?


Under general anaesthesia, again?


Will it be a minimally invasive procedure?

Well, yeah...I'll just insert a needle here (he reaches out to pat me on the hip) and harvest the bone marrow most I'll do a tiny little'll be smaller than the ones I did on your knees.

Sigh! I'll have to face GA again! How I abhor the after-effects of GA - the PUKING, the GIDDINESS...argh! I DON'T WISH TO GO UNDER GA YET ANOTHER TIME!

Sigh! I had thought that after the recent harvesting of cells from my left knee, I'd only have to undergo GA just once more - when I have the transplant done to my left knee - never did I expect that I'd have to go through it at least twice more!

Oh! Why? Why do I have to have harvesting done again?

The kindly Professor seemed to have read my mind...

Well, we don't have a choice, my dear...and as for having to go under GA again, I don't suppose you'd want me to do it with Local Anaesthesia, right? Heh.

Yeah, yeah. Just do it.

And now...about something quite urgent...your blood test - the one taken before your surgery - strangely, the result of that blood test seems to indicate that your HepBsAg is negative, but the antibody is also negative...this is rather "unusual".... we might want to have this investigated... And furthermore, your recent bout of Shingles...that indicates that your body's immune system is low. All this makes me feel rather uneasy...if we were to go ahead with the stem cell harvesting, will you be ready for the op?

Indeed, will I be fit and ready to face the op?

I managed to wrangle an appointment with Dr Tan at SGH this coming Monday and reschedule the blood test and the ultrasound scan of my liver by bringing it forward to this Saturday morning. Sigh...let's see how things go.

Mm...I'll have to fast from Saturday breakfast and lunch this least, not until after the ultrasound scan is done. I hope if there's anything, the ultrasound scan will pick it up.

God, I know you are in control of things and I am fully confident that you will work all things out for good. I have this peace in my heart. Thank you for giving me this sense of peace.

Thank you for your promise that you will be with me, that you'll never abandon or leave me. Thank you that you will be there, out in front, that you will be there to see me through it all.

See me through, see my hsuband and my children through.

Help us...increase our faith, strengthen our faith in you....let our faith in you never be shaken.

It's kind of exciting to watch and see how you will see us through and work things out in our lives - lovingly, wisely and in all sovereignty and in great might. You are an awesome God!

I know you are dependable. In the past, you've always seen me through. I know I can depend on you now and always. I look to you, Lord. I look to you for strength, peace, faith and joy. Yes, joy! Enable me to delight in you IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES! I want to rejoice and give thanks in all circumstances!

Grant me the serenity and the joy!

Let others see the beauty of Jesus Christ in me!
To God be the glory!

Monday, April 11, 2005

This is my story, This is my song!

He Knows My Name

I have a Maker, He formed my heart
Before even time began, My life was in His hand
He knows my name, He knows my every thought
He sees each tear that falls, And hears me when I call

I have a Father, He calls me His own
He'll never leave me, No matter where I go
He knows my name, He knows my every thought
He sees each tear that falls, And hears me when I call

Redeemer, Saviour, Friend

I know You had me on Your mind
When You climbed up on that hill
For You saw me with eternal eyes
While I was yet in sin
Redeemer, Saviour, Friend

Knowing You

All I once held dear, built my life upon
All this world reveres and wants to own
All I once thought gain, I have counted loss
Spent and worthless now, Compared to this

Knowing You, Jesus, knowing You
There is no greater thing
You're my all, You're the best
You're my joy, my righteousness
And I love You, Lord

Now my heart's desire is to know You more
To be found in You and known as Yours
To possess by faith what I could not earn
All surpassing gift of righteousness

O to know the power of Your risen life
And to know You in Your suffering
To become like You in Your death my Lord
So with You to live and never die

Knowing You, Jesus, knowing You
There is no greater thing
You're my all, You're the best
You're my joy, my righteousness
You're my all
You're the best
You're my joy, my righteousness
And I love you, Lord!

Grace Alone

Every promise we can make
Every prayer and step of faith
Every difference we will make
Is only by His grace

Every mountain we will climb
Every ray of hope we shine
Every blessing left behind
Is only by His grace

Grace alone which God supplies
Strength unknown He will provide
Christ in us, our Cornerstone
We will go forth in grace alone

Every soul we reach
Every heart we hope to teach
Everywhere we share His peace
Is only by His grace

Every loving word we say
Every tear we wipe away
Every sorrow turned to praise
Is only by His grace

Above All

Above all powers
Above all kings
Above all nature and all created things
Above all wisdom and all the ways of man
You were here before the world began

Above all kingdoms
Above all thrones
Above all wonders the world has ever known
Above all wealth and treasures of the earth
There's no way to measure what You're worth!

Blessed Assurance

Blessed assurance
Jesus is mine
Oh What a foretaste of glory divine
Heir of Salvation
Purchase of God
Born of His Spirit
Washed in His blood

Perfect submission
All is at rest
I, in my Saviour, am happy and blessed
Watching and waiting, looking above
Filled with His goodness, lost in His love

This is my story
This is my song
Praising my Saviour all the day long

This is my story
This is my song
I'm praising my Saviour all the day long!

Perfect submission, perfect delight
Visions of rapture now burst on my sight
Angels, descending, bring from above
echoes of mercy, whispers of love

This is my story
This is my song
Praising my Saviour all the day long

This is my story
This is my song
Praising my Saviour all the day long!

Today, the Lord blessed me with a wonderful time of worship at the New Creation Church at Suntec City. I went, ready to meet the Lord, and He met me there. He affirmed several lessons He wanted me to learn...all those thoughts He put into my mind during my own Quiet Time with Him, He reiterated during today's sermon.

He dealt with all the issues that have been bothering me (dbt,ccsmkgun=ykedblmia,pc,bc,tth,tchg,hlth,sy,ss,bl,thuay,sblgs,ncsnnphws)...assuring me that all He wanted is for me to let go, to let Him take charge, and when I surrender, He'll take care of all things. On my part, He only wants me to :
1. Delight myself in the Lord and in His word
2. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness

I believe. You are Lord. You are Sovereign. You are Supreme.

You are God Most High.

I will believe, rest and trust in you to work all things out for good, to your glory and for your pleasure.

Lord, thank you for your grace and mercy, your love and your reaching out to redeem me, to save me and to reconcile me to yourself.

Lord, I let go...I let go of all my anxieties and they are now in your hands...You deal with them and the work is yours. Thank you for letting me enter into Your rest.

I receive your blessings, Lord.
Thank you, gracious loving Lord!
Thank you, merciful loving Abba Father!
Thank you, faithful Holy Spirit, Counsellor, Comforter and Teacher!
Help me to abide in you, always, and to be yielded to you so that You can abide in me.

Thank you so much!
I love you, Abba Father!

Sunday, April 10, 2005

He Can Identify With Me, He Knows!

My Lord knows how it feels to be rejected and scorned.

Isaiah 53

3 He was despised and rejected by men,
a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering.
Like one from whom men hide their faces
he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

4 Surely he took up our infirmities
and carried our sorrows,
yet we considered him stricken by God,
smitten by him, and afflicted.

5 But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,
and by his wounds we are healed.

LORD Jesus Christ,
Oh Lamb of God,
my Redeemer,
my Friend,

You took up my infirmities…by your wounds I was healed.

You, too, are familiar with suffering and rejection.
You understand.

You took mankind’s infirmities upon yourself and willingly accepted being wounded on our behalf, suffering rejection as you walked this earth 2000 years ago, drinking in all the hurts, sorrows and grief.

You can identify with all my hurts and sorrows, my pain and heartaches. You’ve been through them. You know what I am talking about when I tell you about my hurts and sorrows.

You were there with me when I was going through all those experiences, weren’t you? And I didn’t even realize it then. So, all along, I was not alone in my suffering…because, not only were you there with me when I was smitten, but you had, by then, already borne the pain, suffering and rejection on my behalf, and by your wounds I was already given healing. All I needed to do was to appropriate it into my life. Thank you for bringing me healing.

Now, I want to be identified with you, the humble Servant-King who entered Jerusalem on a colt. The king who was not esteemed by his own people, who was, instead, crowned with thorns, smitten and whipped, despised, rejected and scorned, ridiculed and mocked at, who suffered silently and willingly because you were compelled and motivated to do so out of love. Let me learn this spirit of self-denial…of loving in action and not just with verbal declaration of love.

Help me to love my family and friends with sincere love. Help me to declare my love to you, and to them, in action.

Help me to love even strangers and my so-called “friends” (those who dislike me, who despise me, those who have hurt me and those who reject me, and those who “use” me and those who are friendly to me only because they have personal agendas)… to love them unconditionally and be gracious and merciful to them, just as you have been and are always gracious and merciful to me.

I know only too well…when I am being made use of. I will not hold it against those who use me.

If by being made use of, by even allowing others to take advantage of me, if by doing so I can be a channel of your blessings… and be a bridge between you and them, one with which they can be brought closer in their walk with you, I am willing.

But, Lord…I must admit…I tend to shrink back when it hurt. All too soon, and so easily, I become unwilling again. I grumble and gripe when I realize that I’ve been taken advantage of, or when I know that someone whom I love dearly has actually made use of me.

Ouch! It is so hurting, especially when I realise that even people whom I love dearly do actually keep tab of personal agendas, too, in their dealings with me! We are ALL fallen creatures, aren't we? ALL of us are in need of your mercy, love, grace and forgiveness.

Thank you, my loving Redeemer, for your promise of never ever turning us away, so long as we come to you for forgiveness and cleansing, you will cleanse, forgive and heal us.

God Most High, thank you for reaching down to me... even me.

Oh, create in me a pure heart, and a willing spirit…a yielded spirit. I long to be whole-hearted and single-minded in following after you, in living for you, in seeking to please you, in seeking to obey you, in doing your will. I long to honor you. I long to bring you glory. I long to see you, to meet with you. I long to dwell in your presence. I long to remain in you, in your holy dwelling place.

Cause me to see your majesty and glory...and cause me to worship you in spirit and in truth.

You created me to fellowship with you. You created me to worship you, to give you glory and honor. You created me to relate with you in a personal manner. Draw me close to your side.

Draw me into your own loving, holy presence! Just as I am, I come....Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ, for putting your righteousness over me, for enabling me to come to God Most High and to enter into His holy presence!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

At Long Last, A Name To The Problem

Yesterday, while surfing the internet, and trying to read more about cleft lip and cleft palate, I stumbled upon this page where, for some reasons (but don't ask me why cos I don't know...) there was this particular word which seemed to leap from the page to grab my attention.

That word was 'Apraxia'. It just caught my attention and would not let go. An overwhelming sense of curiousity invaded my mind and I felt as if I just HAD TO click on it to read and find out more about it.

So, I clicked on 'Apraxia' and that led me to reading about 'Dyspraxia' and later 'Dyscalculia'.

I was SO EXCITED about what I read : Finally! All the difficulties I've faced in life (from my childhood till now)...all that I've gone through in school and later on, in my working life, especially in the early years of my career, all my struggles were listed and described. I was reading a written profile about ME!

I now firmly believe that I have had all those difficulties at school because I was (and still am) mildly dyspraxic and it is accompanied by this other problem, this 'disorder', known as 'Dyscalculia'.

FINALLY! AT LONG LAST, everything makes sense...

now I know why for a long time I could not grip the pencil properly and write neatly,

why I could not understand my teachers while my classmates didn't seem to have any problem at all,

why I could not cut properly with a pair of scissors,

why I could not handle adhesive tapes (I still have some problem with this, even now!),

why I could not understand what it meant for one to plan one's work. For a long, long time (in my youth), I couldn't understand what others meant when they talked about making plans.

For years, I've had to struggle with the frustration of losing my things several times a day because I simply did not know what it was like to be organized. No matter how hard I tried, I fought a losing battle with trying to be organized, neat and tidy.

Well into my late teens, I could never conceptualize how much a metre or a kilometre was, or how different it was to add another zero behind 1000. For years, I thought 5.0 was different from 5.00 or 5.000. I couldn't figure out why 0.5 was different from 0.05. Neither could I fully understand or appreciate the actual difference between 1.5 and 5.1. For years, I wasn't able to tell which was greater 1/2 or 2/8...nor could I say why one was greater than the other.

Now I finally realise why it is that I had had to use my fingers to add and subtract even when I was fourteen(OH! How humiliating it was, and I had to do it secretly with my hands hidden in my pockets most of the time...I just could not do it openly! What would others around me think? They'd roll on the floor with laughter if they'd seen me counting with my fingers to do simple addition and subtraction!).

Then there were those torturous moments with mental sums (and I had to grapple with those on a daily basis!) when I couldn't even understand what my friends were doing. I remember wondering why my friends were staring into the air, or seemed busy at writing in their exercise books immediately after my teacher had read aloud a math question to the class.

I kept wondering, "Why isn't the teacher proceeding to explain how we could get the answer to the question she has just posed? Why are my friends writing away? Is my teacher keeping silent because she was annoyed at my friends for writing? Is she waiting for them to pay attention to her before she starts to explain how to do the sums?"

Then, suddenly, when the teacher announced, "Now, Question 2..." I asked myself, "Hey, why is she going on to question number 2 when she hasn't even explained how to do or hasn't dealt with question number 1?"

Then, when the teacher discovered I had not written anything in my book, I got rebuked for not paying attention. "What? Teacher? Why is it that I didn't write down my answer to question number 1? But we haven't even done the working to try to arrive at getting an answer for question 1...what do I write?"

Over time, I learnt that the trick to prevent scolding from the teacher and teasing from friends was to pretend to be busy. I had to look busy, pretending to be hard at work, pretending that I was trying to figure out the answer. I learnt to pretend to think...I pretended to stare into the air (like my friends would), or would mumble to myself as if I was thinking aloud, and then promptly proceeded to writing something in my book; something, anything, so long as I appeared as if I was "thinking" and/or "writing". So long as I was pretending to be thinking, I wouldn't be scolded for not trying, or for not paying attention.

Initially, I tried...I really tried. I didn't give up. I tried to figure out the question...but invariably, before I could understand the question or figure out what it was that I had to do, before I could even try to work out an answer, the teacher would move on to the next question because all my classmates would have, by then, written their answers in their exercise books.

Soon, I felt I was fighting a losing battle. I felt that it was useless to try. I soon grew to believe that no matter how hard I tried, I would never be able to think as quickly as the others! I felt stupid and slow! My mind would just switch off and turn blank whenever my teacher announced that it was time for 'Mental Sums'.

For years, my score for Mental Sums was consistently '0" out of '10'. For years, I did corrections by writing the correct number (ie. the correct answer) in brackets next my 'error' without an inkling of what was going on, or why we were doing mental sums, or for that matter, without knowing what 'mental' meant.

Now I greatest mistake of that time, the real 'correction' which I needed to do, the problem which truly needed fixing at that time, was actually this : I shouldn't have pretended to know what I was doing.

Instead, I ought to have had the courage to admit that I didn't understand what was going on. I should have asked my teacher, "What is Mental Sums? What am I supposed to do? How do I think and work out the sums in my head? What do you mean by working out the sums in my head?"

But then again, if I were to have asked, would she have thought I was trying to be funny with her, or trying to annoy her? Would I have been punished for asking that kind of questions? Most probably so...maybe that's why I never dared to let others know that I simply didn't understand what was going on. After all, I was a mere 8 or 9 year-old girl at that time!

At the end of the day, and over time, I became a very good actor...I pretended well and convincingly...I fooled everyone all through those years! No one knew that I was clueless about this activity called 'Mental Sums'. At first, I felt awful inside, knowing that it was not right or good for me to go on deceiving others (and myself)...and I just felt so helpless and confused!

Later , however, as I entered my teens, I became more concerned about keeping up with appearances than to bother about guarding against hypocrisy. I stopped worrying about whether it was deceitful to pretend.

By the time I was in my late teens and young adulthood, I had learnt ways and means to help myself cope. I became slightly more adept at counting with the help of 'counting-aids' (my fingers hidden in my pockets) and 'visualisers' (the numbers and markings printed on the clockface).

Of course, by now, I've learned creative ways to memorise numbers. I can manage to (about 99% of the time) remember and recall my home and mobile phone numbers, my apartment unit number, my postal zipcode, and even some phone numbers which I frequently need to dial.

I don't get 'petrified' anymore when people ask me about money...I no longer work myself into a state of panic, not anymore...not even when I'm asked how much change I ought to get or if I've given them the correct change. I simply give them the exact amount as much as it's possible, or I don't even bother to count the change I've received. I no longer bother to check if I've been shortchanged. Life is less stressful this way. I can live with it...even if I've been shortchanged by a few cents.

I will not forget that day when I came home from shopping and my mother-in-law had asked me about the cost of some of the items I had bought, and I could not answer her...because I could not remember. Oh! that day, I had to suffer a two-and-a-half hour lecture/nagging from her because in her opinion, I was not a prudent, thrifty wife. Sigh...such are some of the misunderstandings that I had to take in my stride.

At that time, I was so tempted to tell her, "I'm NOT a spendthrift. I didn't spend mindlessly. I was cautious about not spending beyond my budget. Yes! I DO HAVE A BUDGET that I stick to when I go shopping. Just because I cannot tell you off-hand how much money I had spent on each of the items doesn't mean that I was spending freely and mindlessly...I just can't remember...but look, once I refer to the receipt, I will be able to tell you how much each item cost. Look, I did not overspend. I've kept to my budget! I have money left over. I did not blow all my money on that bag! "

All my life, I had to struggle when it comes to Math and using Math in my daily life.

Now that I know about Dyscalculia...and with a name to my problem and struggles, I finally feel that there is some hope. I feel strengthened and comforted in knowing that THERE ARE real and actual people out there who share my problems. These folks would most probably know and understand the pain and frustration I've been through in my own struggles with Math and with my weak muscle control and weak fine motor skills (especially in my childhood), and with my great struggle at learning to be neat, organized and be able to cope with a world that requires much careful planning and multi-tasking.

I am not alone!

In knowing that I'm not alone, it has given me much comfort and strength.

In fact, I realised, "Hey! I think I've coped pretty well all these years...and have succeeded in overcoming much...ALL ON MY OWN...without any educational pyschologist's guidance (well, yes, God was there for me, I'm sure. And I'm certain He had been the one who 'taught' me all those ways to cope...I couldn't have been SO creative, so resourceful and innovate on my own).

But now that I know...I would like to meet others with similar conditions and would like to seek out support groups with which I can get in touch. How do I get help? Is there help available for adults? In my own country? I don't have the means to go overseas to seek help and support.

Mm...I'll have to wait and see how it is all going to turn out...

Well, God, I asked you to reveal to me things which I had to deal with, and which I had to face up to. And reveal to me you did! You sure did answer my prayer!

First, you revealed to me about my need to forgive and to let go of all those suppressed feelings of anger, bitterness, unforgiveness and resentment towards those who had rejected me in the past.

Next, you revealed to me about my need to let you bring me healing by helping me to face up to all those hurts and pains from all the past struggles I've had in my learning difficulties at school (in my childhood and youth) as well as in my learning to cope with daily life.

None except those who are struggling with Dyscalculia would understand how crippling and painful it can be to be afflicted... to be struggling in a world in which Math is so widely used and so much needed in order for one to function effectively.

And now, you've even caused me to stumble upon this article on Dyspraxia and Dyscalculia. By revealing this to me, you've actually heaped soothing balm onto my wounded self-esteem.

You've helped me accept myself, and given me hope.

In knowing that I'm not alone in my struggles, in seeing that if I could have coped and overcome all those difficulties in the past all by myself (and with your help, of course), then surely, I could face tomorrow confidently too!

Thank you, Lord Jesus, thank you! With you by my side, helping and guiding me, I know I can face tomorrow! Thank you for your promise that you'll never leave me nor will you abandon me! Thank you for the promise of the abiding presence of your Holy Spirit in me to comfort, help, counsel and guide me. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for preserving me all these years! Thank you!

I love you...and I could do so only because you have first loved me!

Saturday, April 02, 2005

The Decision Lies With Him (and I'm happy with that!)

Proverbs 16

1 To man belong the plans of the heart,
but from the LORD comes the reply of the tongue.

2 All a man's ways seem innocent to him,
but motives are weighed by the LORD .

3 Commit to the LORD whatever you do,
and your plans will succeed.

4 The LORD works out everything for his own ends- even the wicked for a day of disaster.

7 When a man's ways are pleasing to the LORD ,
he makes even his enemies live at peace with him.

9 In his heart a man plans his course,
but the LORD determines his steps.

16 How much better to get wisdom than gold,
to choose understanding rather than silver!

20 Whoever gives heed to instruction prospers,
and blessed is he who trusts in the LORD .

31 Gray hair is a crown of splendor;
it is attained by a righteous life.

32 Better a patient man than a warrior,
a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city.

33 The lot is cast into the lap,
but its every decision is from the LORD .

I Dream

I have a dream.

Mine is not a "lofty" dream. It is fully attainable...but hard to achieve. It will become a reality only if and when my husband and children share my conviction and are willing to help me fulfill my dream.

If it is in line with God's will....only He can make it become a reality...for it involves transforming hearts and mindsets, it involves shaping values, re-evaluating and re-defining values, setting and tempering or managing expectations and the surrender of will. These are areas in our lives which only God has unlimited access and supreme control over.

My dream is simple : it is to be able to live a simple, uncluttered life.

My dream is to be able to
  • focus on God in greater depths of knowledge and intimacy; to know Him in ways unknown before
  • personally tend to the needs of my family
  • keep house in a small apartment, one that is "Mimi-sized" in terms of 'manageability'
  • have all the time to be diligent in reading, absorbing, reflecting, thinking, meditating, praying, writing, resting, worshipping, sharing, encouraging, discovering and learning
  • have the mobility to get up and go do things such as visiting to encourage, comfort, help, pray and befriend the home-confined, the neglected, the poor and the lonely
  • BE. Simply to be. And to become. And not have to do, do, do.

And of course, there are those dreams from my childhood, which, to this day remain unfulfilled...

  • learn at university and become qualified, knowledgeable and be even more stimulated to continue to never stop having the curiousity to learn new things
  • experience the four seasons
  • to immerse myself in another learn the culture and its customs, to learn a new language to the level of being able to serve as an interpretor and maybe even, to translate from that language into English and vice versa
  • sail with MV Logos or MV Doulos for a few years and be actively involved and immersed in its ministry and life on board
  • enjoy prayer, bible-reading, sharing, giving and receiving encouragement and spiritual edification from fellowshipping with my husband and children(+ their spouses, and their children, in time to come)
  • serve my fellow-men around the world via MV Doulos' or MV Logos' ministry
  • teach English and basic literacy skills to people (children and adults alike) in poor countries so that they can become literate and can read the bible to receive hope, love, peace and salvation from the Lord and be reconciled to God

Can these ever become reality?

Internal Spring Cleaning

Okay! Enough is enough!

Enough of spring cleaning...for now, at least.

I'll get on with life.

Hey! Life is here and now...
Look ahead, too.

Dear God,
Thank you for helping me clear out the "junk", for helping me put aside the excess weight that used to weigh me down and hold me back. I feel lighter now and am (I think) in better shape to run the race.

I'm tired of standing still...of being petrified by Fear and Insecurity. Get me moving, Lord. I want to move on.

Thank you for your grace. You are merciful! If not for your mercy and your grace, I perish. You know me intimately. You know me better than I do. Thanks for understanding and for giving me this time of internal spring cleaning.

Lord, if you marked our transgression, who would stand? No...all have sinned and fallen short of your holy standard. It's only by grace that we can hope to carry on. Your enduring and unconditional love and acceptance, your mercy, your grace, your loving kindness, your holiness, your righteousness...they're altogether far too wondrous and incomprehensible for finite me. Your love is infinite. You are an awesome God! You are God Almighty! You are God Most High!

Thank you for helping me along, moment by moment, day by day...

I feel more ready now... yes, I'll rise up and walk now. Help me...continue to help me.

Please, Heavenly Father, continue to hold my hand and lead me. Thanks. I love you!